Monday, December 8, 2008

Doctrine of Inclusion

Dr. Carlton D. Pearson, DD

“This is a faithful saying and worthy of ALL acceptance. For to this end, we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of ALL men, especially those who believe. These things command and teach.” (1 Tim. 4:9-11)

I've been listening to This Amercian Life's show on Dr. Carlton D. Pearson and it has been making an impression on me. For those of you that listen to our weekly radio show, you know that our faith is a big part of our lives and our studies into the realm of the paranormal. 

That being said, we also present very controversial views of the afterlife. It feels very odd to hear that a person that was at the top of the Charismatic movement has come to a lot of the same conclusions and has been subsequently labeled a heretic. I have to admit that after hearing his views at first, my inner Baptist kicked in and tried to reject them. After a while though, I realized that what he was saying is what I had arrived at in my studies as well. I had just never rectified them with my personal religious beliefs. To be honest, it was a weight off my back.

The funny thing is I think Shawn was at the same stage. I think that he had the same reaction that I did at first. It goes right into conflict with what you've been hearing at church your whole life and it takes a bit to process correctly. 

In short, I do believe that what he is saying does contain some truth. As I am not one to completely buy into something as soon as I hear it, I do have my doubts still. I will say that I will be contemplating this for a while at least. 

It is definitely worth checking out so here is the link:


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